
Hello everyone, I'm mimidog, a seasoned watchmaker from Guangzhou with nearly 35 years of experience in watchmaking, design, and sales. To me, a watch is not merely a timekeeping device but a piece of art and craftsmanship.
My journey in watchmaking began in the 1980s, accumulating rich experience and skills over the years. I launched my personal website, mimidog.com, with the aim of bringing high-quality and reasonably priced watches to everyone. I believe that regardless of wealth, everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy wearing a quality watch.
On mimidog.com, you will discover a variety of watch styles, from classic mechanical watches to trendy smartwatches, each meticulously designed and crafted. I provide detailed introductions for each new model, including the design inspiration, production process, and unique features.
In addition to showcasing new watch models, I also share my watchmaking insights on the website, offering advice on watch selection and maintenance tips. As a seasoned watchmaker, I always prioritize customer satisfaction, providing excellent service to ensure every customer has a pleasant shopping experience.
Thank you all for your support and trust in mimidog. I hope that through my efforts, I can bring more beautiful watches into your lives.
